Dòng Nội dung
Decisions of the Bundesverfassungsgericht (Federal Constitutional Court) Federal Republic of Germany. /. vol 3, Questions of law arising from German unification 1973 - 2004 / Edited by Federal Constitutional Court.

Baden-Baden : Nomos, 2005
XXIV, 767 S. ; 22 cm.

This book provides a collection of 37 important decisions of the German Constitutional Court translated into Englisch. The years covered by this book are 1973-2004. A main focus ist set on the questions of law arising from German Unification. As an appendix the book also includes selected provisions of the Basic Law and of the Unification Treaty
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Die Verfassungsbeschwerde : Einführung, Verfahren, Grundrechte / hrsg. von Bodo Pieroth ; Peter Silberkuhl. Bearb. von Thorsten Anger ..

Münster : ZAP, 2008
XVIII, 718 S. ; 22 cm.

This book explains deals with the constitutional complaint. With this book the authors want to give advice to the practicioners about the process of a constitutional complaint, because in Germany still 97-98% of the claims fail of procedural reasons. He first explanis the important norms of the Federal Constitutional Court Act. The second part of the book comments the crucial norms of the German Basic Law
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Kommentar zum Grundgesetz / Bruno Schmidt-Bleibtreu, Franz Klein ; unter Mitarbeit von Hans Bernhard Brockmeyer, Christoph Kannengiesser, Rüdiger Sannwald

Neuwied : Luchterhand, 1999
xxx, 1958 S. ; 24 cm.

This book comments the articles of the Basic Law for the Federal Republic of Germany
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Schwerpunktkommentar Arbeitsrecht : AEntG, AGG, ArbGG (Auszug), AltersteilzeitG, ArbZG, AÜG (Auszug), BBiG (Auszug), BEEG, BetrAVG (Auszug), BetrVG (Auszug), BGB (Auszug), BUrlG (Auszug), EFZG, EGBGB (Auszug), GewO (Auszug), GG (Auszug), HGB (Auszug), InsO (Auszug), KSchG, TVG, TzBfG / hrsg. von Christian Rolfs ... Bearb. von: Frank Bayreuther ..

München : Beck, 2008
XXI, 3191 S. ; 25 cm.

This commentary focusing on Labour Law. It comments the Law on the Posting of Workers (AEntG), the General Equal Treatment Act (AGG), extracts of the Labour Court Law (ArbGG), the Partial Retirement Act (AltersteilzeitG), the Working Hours Act (ArbZG), extracts of the Temporary Employment Act (AÜG), extracts of the Vocational Training Act (BBiG), the Parental Allowance and Parental Leave Act (BEEG), extracts of the Employee Pension Act (BetrAVG), extracts of the Industrial Relations Law (BetrVG), extracts of the Civil Code (BGB), exracts of the Federal Holiday Act (BUrlG), the Parents Mony Payment Act (EFZG), extracts of the Introductory Act to the German Civil Code (EGBGB), extracts of the Trade Regulation Act (GewO), extracts of the Basic Law (GG), extracts of the Commercial Code (HGB), extracts of the Insolvency Code (InsO), the Employment Protection Act (KSchG), the Collective Agreement Act (TVG) and the Part-Time Work and Fixed-Term Employment Contracts Law (TzBfG)
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Staatsrecht der Bundesrepublik Deutschland . Bd. 646

Bonn : bpb, 2007
461 S. ; 21 cm.

This statute book contains amongst others the Basic Law (GG), the Law of the Federal Paliament (GOBT), the European Convention on Human Rights (EMRK), the Law of the Federal Constitutional Court (BVerfGG) and the Treaty on European Union (EUV)
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