Dòng Nội dung
Schwerpunktkommentar Arbeitsrecht : AEntG, AGG, ArbGG (Auszug), AltersteilzeitG, ArbZG, AÜG (Auszug), BBiG (Auszug), BEEG, BetrAVG (Auszug), BetrVG (Auszug), BGB (Auszug), BUrlG (Auszug), EFZG, EGBGB (Auszug), GewO (Auszug), GG (Auszug), HGB (Auszug), InsO (Auszug), KSchG, TVG, TzBfG / hrsg. von Christian Rolfs ... Bearb. von: Frank Bayreuther ..

München : Beck, 2008
XXI, 3191 S. ; 25 cm.

This commentary focusing on Labour Law. It comments the Law on the Posting of Workers (AEntG), the General Equal Treatment Act (AGG), extracts of the Labour Court Law (ArbGG), the Partial Retirement Act (AltersteilzeitG), the Working Hours Act (ArbZG), extracts of the Temporary Employment Act (AÜG), extracts of the Vocational Training Act (BBiG), the Parental Allowance and Parental Leave Act (BEEG), extracts of the Employee Pension Act (BetrAVG), extracts of the Industrial Relations Law (BetrVG), extracts of the Civil Code (BGB), exracts of the Federal Holiday Act (BUrlG), the Parents Mony Payment Act (EFZG), extracts of the Introductory Act to the German Civil Code (EGBGB), extracts of the Trade Regulation Act (GewO), extracts of the Basic Law (GG), extracts of the Commercial Code (HGB), extracts of the Insolvency Code (InsO), the Employment Protection Act (KSchG), the Collective Agreement Act (TVG) and the Part-Time Work and Fixed-Term Employment Contracts Law (TzBfG)
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