Parliament: Legislation and Accountability

Trung tâm Thông tin thư viện trân trọng giới thiệu tới Quý bạn đọc cuốn sách "Parliament: Legislation and Accountability" của tác giả Alexander Horne và Andrew Le Sueur do nhà xuất bản Hart Publishing phát hành năm 2016. Sách là tài liệu tham khảo hữu ích dành cho giảng viên, nghiên cứu sinh, học viên cao học và sinh viên có nhu cầu.



            1. Introduction Alexander Horne and Andrew Le Sueur

             Part 1: Legislation

2. What is the Parliamentary Scrutiny of Legislation for? Sir Stephen Laws

3. Pre-legislative Scrutiny in Parliament Jessica Mulley and Helen Kinghorn

4. Parliament's Constitutional Standards Jack Simson Caird and Dawn Oliver

5. European Scrutiny Paul Hardy

6. Legislative Scrutiny in the House of Lords Philip Norton (Lord Norton of Louth)

Part 2: Accountability

7. Parliamentary Reform and the Accountability of Government to the House of Commons Richard Kelly and Lucinda Maer

8. The Regulation of Lobbyists Oonagh Gay

9. Robot Government: Automated Decision-Making and its Implications for Parliament Andrew Le Sueur

10. Parliament and National Security Alexander Horne and Clive Walker

11. Parliament and International Treaties Arabella Lang

12. Sovereignty, Privilege and the European Convention on Human Rights Alexander Horne and Helene Tyrrell

13. Euroscepticism and Parliamentary Sovereignty: The Lingering Shadows of Factortame and Thoburn Gavin Drewry

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